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Underberg und Bier

18. September 2024

Underberg and beer – a perfect flavour match

A characteristic flavour, a commitment to craftsmanship and a strong connection to its origins – the herbal bitter Underberg has these characteristics in common with many beers. No wonder the two beverages complement each other perfectly.

The intense herbal flavours of Underberg go perfectly with all types of beer and can counterbalance the rich aromas of the beer. Whether malty, sweet, bitter, hoppy or tart – Underberg acts like a flavour enhancer when drunk with beer. The variety of beer types means that new flavour combinations are always possible.

Beer and Underberg are drunk one after the other, they are not mixed. However, this does not mean that Underberg can only be drunk neat: it is also suitable as an ingredient in cocktails. Underberg Espresso Herbtini, a fusion drink from Underberg, has also been available since 2023.

The combination of beer and schnapps has long been familiar in many countries: in Scandinavia, an aquavit is traditionally served with beer, in the USA with a shot of bourbon. What is known there as a «Boilmaker» has its equivalent in the «Herrengedeck» in Germany.

Underberg: a globally recognised classic

Underberg has stood for quality, tradition and perfect craftsmanship since 1846. The herbal bitters are produced in Rheinberg using the secret, unvarying «Semper Idem» process. Just as the company founder Herbert Underberg developed it and as the sixth generation still does today. Herbs from 43 different countries are used and their essences are extracted particularly gently. This is followed by a months-long maturation process in Slovenian oak barrels.

Underberg is sold exclusively in the 20ml portion bottle, which is wrapped in straw paper and labelled with the original green Underberg capsule. Underberg contains no added sugar, colourings or other additives and is vegan, kosher and gluten-free. The digestif is known not only in its country of origin, Germany, but also worldwide.

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