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Aquavit is a traditional Scandinavian distillate characterised by its distinctive spiciness and variety of flavours. We have three brands of this spirit, typically distilled with caraway and other herbs, in our range: Aalborg, known for its classic Danish aquavit, Linie, which develops a distinctive flavour through special maturation on the high seas, and Malteserkreuz, a classic with strong, clear flavours.

Our Aquavit Brands

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Ideas recipes

A deep orange shimmering Negroni, a summery fresh Mojito, a classic Gin and Tonic or perhaps a Sprizz with sparkling Prosecco and grapefruit? Many of our first-class products can be enjoyed as cocktails or long drinks. Let our recipes inspire you.

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  • Aalborg
  • L
  • Linie
  • M
  • Malteserkreuz

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